books about slim

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Slim Spurling’s Universe: The Light-Life Technology: Ancient Science Rediscovered to Restore the Health of the Environment and Mankind – by Cal Garrison

This book is a transcript of conversations Slim had with Cal Garrison and notes from his workshops. It also includes some of Cal’s own research from her perspective. It has valuable information about Slim’s beginning, his research, and experiences that led to creating the first Light-Life Ring. It is now only available as an e-book.

Here is what others say about the book and Slim’s work:

“Slim Spurling is a visionary who knows it is possible – a belief that led him to develop the technology to clear up 80% of the pollution on the planet. The first written record of a lifetime of research. Slim Spurling’s Universe is a must-read for anyone who holds a vision of a clean planet.”
~ Tanah Whitemore aka Tana Blackmore

“We’re about to implement a cleansing program for the world . . .the program is remarkable. We have figured out how to erase all the pollution off the planet . . . to heal the planet back to the way it was 1000 years ago, and we can do this in less than a year . . . Hopefully people, when they watch their planet go back into cleanliness, will respond by not wishing to continue doing what they’ve been doing to recreate it all over again. We can keep it clean. We have learned how . . . “
~ Drunvalo Melchizedek

“Mr. Spurling is to be congratulated for learning to understand the ways of Mother nature how to live in attunement with her – a concept we should all strive to emulate. He has devoted many years to the development of unique devices that will elevate global ecology to a new level. This engrossing book is a “must-read” for both alternative energy researchers and holistic healers.”
~ Brian Desborough, author They Cast No Shadows and A Blueprint for a Better World

In the Mind of a Master – by Slim Spurling and Susan Anderson is a great reference guide. It has transcripts of Slim’s talks written in italics. It is a great read. It is very structured, so you learn about each tool we had at the time of publishing. It also contains testimonials from customers to give you some ideas how others used the tools.
We highly recommend it for everyone that has Light-Life Tools and forgot how to use them, but also for people new to the Light-Life Tools. It also talks about dowsing and how Slim’s technique of blocking geopathic stress lines and the Hartmann Grid improved many people’s lives.

Here is what others say about the book and Slim’s work:

When I last met Slim in October of 2005, he showed me and a friend of mine his shop where he made his wondrous Light-Life Tools. I have had good experiences with his tools, especially the Acu-Vac Coil. It has positive health effects and seems to stimulate the pineal gland by eliciting vivid dreams when I put it underneath my pillow. Slim’s Light-Life Tools produce a flow of subtle energies, a primordial form of force or energy, which must be primary to our known forces in physics, yet to be discovered by science. ~ Stephan Fuelling, Ph.D. Physicist


Slim in action was irresistible; to listen to him was spellbinding. I thought of him as Merlin, the Master of Energy. He introduced me to the quantum power of subtle energy and its role in my every moment. Working with his tools, I experienced miracle after miracle until I realized that was always Slim’s point. Life is a miracle that we have the power and obligation to utilize. He gives us the tools and the wisdom to live life as it was designed. The truth and simplicity of the universe unfold in these pages as a guide to each of us, encouraging, loving, and like Slim, always fun. ~ Tanah Whitemore aka Tana Blackmore, Founder of Sacred Ground International


As a friend and colleague of Slim Spurling, I know his passion was to work toward healing Planet Earth and every living thing on it. His Light-Life Technology and techniques work! Susan Anderson enlightens us with both previously unwritten about and advanced technologies. A “must read” for those who wish to join in the healing of our planet and for your own enlightenment. ~ Judy Lavine, Medical Intuitive, Healer, Shaman